Monday, February 1, 2010

Blogs and Bloggers!

Its been interesting lately how Blogs go Up, and some Blogs go down. I'm a new kid on the block. I have learned alot of lessons about Blog's, and Blogging, but there is alot more to learn yet I am busy trying to figure out the Market so that I can give everyone some information that might be useful to our trading.  But I have noticed a trend setting on some of the more popular Blogs. They are turning themselves into Pay Blogs!  That is interesting.  Some of these blogs have been around for Years, and suddenly they are getting, in my opinion greeeeedy.  People are freaking out, and are desperate for information on trading. They want information so they start blogging. So, traffic is up probably 3 fold, in most of the popular Blogs. Now I have no idea how many people come to my site, and most of you come here because Andy helped promote my site, and I am very grateful for that. Some of you may leave after Andy shuts down, I hope not, but that is the way blogging goes. I guess my point is, that its sad that alot of the good bloggers who really have helped so many to learn the simple basics of trading,  need to leave, just when the party is getting started.  Andy, I think you have been killed off by all the new bloggers searching answers to the million dollar question...Help me keep my $$ that I still have and try to get the money lost back!...   So, I frequent a guys site who has a counter on it, and I wrote down on a post-it the # that was on it I was like # 6,253 when I found him...that was late summer, he has over 42 thousand hits that is incredble. The power of the internet  and then Andy has information on he has had to get hit just as hard if not harder...I see why he is going broke...sorry Andy...Hey maybe you should go pay only?  Or search for a promoter  like Options Babe did?  Her new site is nice, but I feel that eventually it will become pay only...just my guess....and that is OK, I pay for McHugh, and for the information he gives me, and believe me Andy is just as good. and for most people FREE is great right now.  But we will miss all of the Blog's that are leaving and some that are going pay only...  Goodbye cruel world....and sometimes it really is.  >L

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