Tuesday, September 7, 2010

4th wave...

Short and Sweet, todays mkt action was a definite 4th wave of possible wave C on wave 2 of wave 3.. or it could be wave b of  2 of  wave 5 of larger degree "C" that may have never finished at what we originally thought at 1130.. So, where do I think we really are.. toss a coin.. really the bulls think they are back, and todays mkt action really to me.. means it really is a coin toss. Bernanke still weighs on their minds heavily, did he go too far in buying treasuries? and now buying more?  Is our country bankrupt?  Bernanke really has not been bullish at all, on the contrary?....believe me all of you know why I  think the way I do.. right now lets say we drop a bit more to 1080ish area, but I am looking for a bouncing ball move here really cause we need to finish this 4th wave minuette degree move.. so up and down for at least half the day tomorrow.. then final 5th wave up to 1115-1118 area or if we break that to the 1130 area.. and to me it looks like we could do that and if so.. it will form a nice looking H&S pattern.. so many want to say the W pattern and that is bullish... I personally think the Updat that RR put up for McClaren could be very accurate... see I am all over the place.. but.. remember we could still be in that larger degreee 2nd wave of C down.. and we still need to do all five waves up of a final minor C wave... but my stochastics do not say that.. 10yr daily on sell.. in a few days.. but my 30 day rally month is on... so as confusing as I am making this right now.. just try to take 30 min. and read what I have said carefully and go over the patterns.. if I am wrong let me know what you think...I am not perfect as all of you know.. this mkt is tuffer to call everyday.. Oh, go check out Peter Pans update on Safehaven.. it was really good too.. Rr thanks for the McClaren.. have a good night all. Hope you all enjoyed your wkend..later>L

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