Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wall Street Volcano ERUPTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, if the New York Times Posted that, I would be alot wealthier if you know what I mean...but dreams are hard to come by these days..but like most people I will never stop dreaming...Soooooooo, we have to be patient for our dreams to come true...We crossed a major resistance the other day at 1121 on the S/P.
So we now have downside resistance point that we must break to get the Party or Volcano started...even volcano's give signals (earthquakes, lots of them ) before it erupts.Newest Huffington post:  please watch MOVE YOUR MONEY,  So, we have some signals though our triangle is ending, we are gettting closer to the top, but we do not have to hit the top at around 1142, why?, we do not seem to have the strength to get there, the market is weakening every day, now granted we are in the Holiday slowdown, so do we pick up or do we do the Yearly cycle and have a downside move that happens almost every Jan?  Jan is a restructuring month for almost all business's, many have retired, and posts and positions must be filled with qualified or unqualified people, banks are not lending, credit has come to almost a virtual stop, Fannie and Freddie are being more strick on loans, so here we go again, housing should slow to a tortoise pace, and its Winter in the Northern Hemi and most of the people will have no $ because they owe it to the banks for X-Mas and mtg tax is due...Treasuries seem to be going Negative and last but not least off the tip of me brain...The psychological 50% Bear market retracement, we have alot of retired folks who rely on their investments, and they have made alot of $$ over the years, compounding alot of dividends to their advantages, but now their are hardly any good dividend trades left, so should I stay or should I go, that is the ? they are asking themselves...its a tuff decision, but they have lived thru 3 recessions now from the market 87', 2000', and now 07', personally I think we see alot of money withdrawn from stocks and mutual funds very soon. These Baby Boomers are tired and want to Play out their remaining days with $$ in their pockets. Another interesting fact that I ran into is the number of people who are investing in garranteed some of the figures where really shocking, more CD's have been open this past year than in previous Recessions, and they are moving into guarranteed mutual funds, so the likes of Goldman Sachs, are making out like mad hatters when people do this, it gives them a great basement floor of cash to minipulate the market, but this leads me back to a video that I have saved that took place way back in July 09"  can't get it to work so how about today's Cashin....     Oh well, his old video was based on a 17.6 year cycle...I will get more info..but it was interesting...well, I started buying QID and SDS again yesterday...just a little to add to my shares that I have owned just before the Rally hopefully we will see the Market topping in a few days like Art said...have a great day >L

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fat from the Ham, Now lets get to the Turkey...~~~~

First you need to see the Stiller Report From Dec. 12,09....

OK, after you watch that You need to read this...

These are very interesting..scroll down on the economicedge and look at his charts...just amazing..they look like mine...I am happy...I will figure it out someday, I mean posting my charts...hey look I finally figured out how to add links...that took how many months..LOL!  OK, Next  Louisa Yamada on BNN  she is the top dog as most of you know...   

Ohhhhh how could I leave this out of my Sun. Morning preview...         Geitner strikes again...don't ya love the lies, we think Wall Street is Bad...huhhhh   these guys well, no problem the Tax Payers rise to the rescue again....Hey how many pennies do you have left?   I figure we got  6mo to a 1yr  before this whole thing implodes...The country is Belly up if you ask me...and Hey...don't go getting any ideas about buying homes...this is just the beginning of a major downturn if you ask thinks homes will loooooose another 25% value...before the end of 2010...How much was a Sears and Roebuck home in the 30-40's ?  2-3 grand if I remember right...lets see on ave. right now we have lost since 07, 5%  each by the end of 2010 that will be least... In the mid-west where we where hit harder..well the media says so, hey I watchd the Orange County housewives and they are hurting, these women seemed to be walking on water...LOL!  or credit cards..LOL!  The Tequila business just isn't what it used to be...said one of them...they are funny to watch...makes me feel sorry for  me..hey I want to go to Palm Beach for a week!!!!!!!! Damn it....they wouldn't know how to get dirty guys and gals, they will be eaten by the lions first and that one went belly up...that had to be embarrassing after all these years of being a top dog real estate lady...If she had only had her identity stolen that would have been a better excuse Huhhhhhhhhh....but instead Bravo used her as avertisment for the Series Premier....Draconian in nature don't you think....Poor lady, but see how fast the cookie can crumble if you are not ready?  The cookie is crumbling and many of our fellow Americans are living in Motor homes and travel trailers...I chatted with a friend who's wife works for a small Friggy'll know what that means if you read one of my previous posts...LOL! they make friggy's for  travel trailers and motor maybe we need to buy the stock right now...will lookinto that too...but they are 4 months behind on friggy's for the trailers and in Elkhart they are 3mo's behind in I am taking his word OK! I do not personally know this person...but He is a very truthful person, so if this is true?  how many more will they need?  I find that interesting don't you......News Flash would  the Goverment like to bail us out with our own $$$$$$ then we could all start over again...Monopoly the game of $$  I want to be the Banker!

and here you go  ARC   check this isn't this a lovely graph....hey the worst is it happens sooner...have a great Sunday...>L

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yule tide songs being sung...

OK, first I want to congratulate "C", for a great move on Rimm...nice one!  

Next can you F----believe they lied again..on the Home Sales...OK, I know its Christmas and all but come on Goverment do you really think we are that STUPID~!    Maybe I am wrong but from the data that I see, there is absolutely no way...unless fannnie and fredddy had a supppper sale going on. Buy one get one free....from the sales in Detroit that really might be the case....I mean the reform passed and all but they did not do a thing to the credit card co's, instead they let the reins fall from Blixon and the sleigh is out of control, and Rudolph's nose is on fire..if you know what I mean....79.9% interest rates are being charged right now to many americans with credit card dept...I mean who could ever pay that are they trying to tell us something here! like if you want $$ tooooooo bad... and if you owe us $$$  you might as well kiss your life goodbye....or go to jail they force millions more to file the big B....Nice job Congress and Senate.. your fighting for the People who elected you...well, they are doing all of this because they already know they will be on the Unemployment lines as soon as their # is up...OK, enough of the funny farm side show....back to the market....

I am sorry to report that due to Congress and Senate , today's stock market is going up, and we may get a major boost too.  I really do not like what most of the sights I frequent are saying...and they are calling  higher...and that worries me a bit. McH...well, he is no where near his famous H.O.  (hindenburg omen)   which means a major major move  is that worried me too.  We are still stuck in this Rectangular move...and it needs to break to the up/down to give us a clue...that of which will really suck if she breaks new calcuations scare me...this is it ARC...if we break 1140   we go up till April...if we hold below,,, our downside move should come...butttttt.....its just a buying opportunity unless it has some steam behind it....OK...thats it for now...Snow, freezing rain ...they are no fun on a major holiday travel again...God Bless...Merry Merry...and  eat like a pig...oink oink....>L

Monday, December 21, 2009

You might need a cup of Coffee~~~

Hi ARC, Hope your wkend is going well. Its almost over, 4 more work days and I can rest on a nice 3 day wkend..Yea me, yea us....OK, got your coffee, I am going to wing this like I do most of my posts so, if I contridict my self at times well, just realize its the thoughts that count...

OK, ? where we are?.  We have been going NO WHERE in this market for over a month!  Bouncing like a ball up and down, like I had said in a previous post, I wish I had been a day trader this year!   Since Nov, we have really done nothing but move sideways. I have a negative divergence on my MACD, says a change is coming soon butt,, X-Mas rallies out % drops So, do we go higher to finish this move, I think so, as I had stated earlier this wk. My views on that subject have really not changed. Mr. McH has not called a top yet either but has now posted a turn date of Feb.14th . The only sectors that seemed to make new highs where retail, and I think that is funny, but considering there sales had been soooo bad that at least they had sales for Christmas makes them a better bet I guess...LOL!   Real estate seems to be picking up and thats because of the low interest rates, I read an article last night about Ben Bernanke re-financing his home...they said he refied for 5% interest. He was on a variable rate mtg. ..Now I thought that was funny interesting, since he left interst rates alone, this time.....  Do you see what I see? (christmas song hee hee)  oh lets get back to the theme of tonights story...  Ben, well, Me thinks Ben is about to start raising interest rates....what do you think?  Nice how you can be the judge and jury of millions of home owners..isn't it. Do they call that insider trading?  Hint, if you have a variable mtg rate..its time to refi   A.S.A.P.    The sad part of all of this is the thousands of homes that people have just had to leave sitting empty. There are NO Jobs, in the mid-west, or a town called Mo-Town or Motor city....These towns are now ghost towns..they are nice quaint little places that once inhabited thousands, but its not a movie playing at the local theatres so most do not care.  You can drive down the streets and see abandoned cars, closed up Home Depots, and strip malls empty, with broken glass. Vandels are having a good time and so is local prostitution using abandoned houses that once cost 3-400 hundred thousand dollars.  Alot of these homes belonged to GM and Chrysler for their executives. But Hey the TARP $$ is being repaid by the crooked banks who should have never gotten TARP in the first place,  jacking the interest rates on Credit cards and calling in loans have miraculously given the banks Billions over night...I think not!....Ben did you keep the printer printing all night long 7 days a week for the past year!  Those dirty bills slid under the table didn't they Ben!....OK, you got my dirty thoughts  on this Snowy Sunday night....lets get back to the market....

Has the Dollar Bottomed?  Hummm thats a tuffy, looking at Andy's updated charts on the dollar the other day it is close...  So if it has, are we going to have Inflation or Deflation???  That is the ? of the night.. with Ben Trigger happy all of a sudden...we could get Inflation...Ben needs a bonus  too.... I do not know if you have been to the grocery lately but Inflation has already hit in this city. People are using my favorite coupons for almost everything they $$...NOT!  Proctor/Gamble just like GM and Ford have jacked the price of  goods up so high that even the coupon doesn't do it justice for the price...Razorblades, have to cost pennies to manufacture, yet they are outragous in price...Mens Fusion Blades 8 pack $24 at there something wrong with that picture?  8 little blades!, thats $3 a shave some fur off your face..hell I'd grow a beard first before I paid that or at least buy an electric shaver and shave twice a day..I know you just do not get that Close feeling with-out lining Proctor and Gambles pockets...LOL!   OK,, done with that NEXT:
Oil.... can you believe that we might have topped...fallen and some think we might go higher....last time I heard inventory reports we where a little fat in the barrel if you know what I mean...Oil is backed up in the ocean freighters, and they are just huge storage facilities right now.  Nat.Gas...we were once running out weren't we?  but suddenly we have enough for the next 100 years....lots and lots of Nat.Gas...yet the price is going up...Whats UP with that???  NEXT:

The Fall of the Dubai Empire....Greece.....Iceland.......USA......Great on and so on....who will bail us out?    NEXT:

Presidential Elections and the Stock this one has always been an interesting cycle.  Did you know that historically, the 2nd year of every newly elected President has been positive, and usually makes a TOP in the market during that time for thought!   I think it could happen again...NEXT:

R's, Morgan stanley report contradicts everything I just says we are going up from the investments that U.S. based corporations have made in basically the BRICK Countries.  I think they are right, but from what I read in most of the reports you must be heavily invested in those countries.  The main report that R had sent to me(I went to morg/stan site and peeked around read alot and took alot of notes)  was on Wireless carrier's in Emerging Markets.
Now, this was say the least. Now most of you Tech guys and gals  like R and A already know some of the future to wireless access and the potential of growth in this sector, is, ENORMOUS!!!!!!!!
India for instance:  India does not have land lines stretched out like the U.S does... so wireless has given India a jump start  in some of the most remote area's they have.  Reading about Bharti Airtel, India's goverment owned (verizon basically) controls all or most of all of the wireless and land lines in major cities. The virtual world in India is exploding, with Hand Held devices, some of which we do not have in the U.S. they can actually do more on their phones than we can. I could not find which company was selling the most hand helds there but I will keep searching.  I am not and I repeat a user of text or internet service on my phone. Reason, I could get fired at my job. I wish I had it like everyone else, but I really do not need it. Wants and Needs where reviewed on yesterday's post with Dave Ramsey...LOL!  so the reason I told you that is I really did not know about alot of the things that most of the public can do with Blackberries, androids, and others...

China, well, they are exploding with technology based everything, the Bejing Olympics put surveilance in every corner of their world, they spent Billions on Wireless everything. I wil not bore you with details that most of you already know..  China wants to become a capitalistic society...funny how cycles are...they allow alot of U.S.and European based companies to compete for their $$, in exchange we purchase from theme. But they are becoming the new consumer based country....are you ready.....REFRIGERATORS! Yes, you are not seeing things...also India as soon as they get enough power thru Nuc plants,, will be next to get appliances ....  They are buying Millions of Friggy's...Samsung, whirlpool, and other co's that make these are doing if you want you can research appliances but they manufacture all of them there already, so like wireless the price of service is so cheap that companies are making $ but are regulated by the Gov'ts and can only make so the reality of it all is that it cost Billions to design and execute the wireless programs in India and China, but in a few years when their economies really pick up or go into a 3rd wave up...then they will begin to capitalize on the people that have grown to do all their shopping and banking online.  Like they have done to most of us hear in the U.S.
Companies to Invest in for the long run//////     CHA  china telecom   Bidu.... CHL  china mobile    CHU  china unicom (cramers favorite by the way)   Google (their new phone)   Rimm, Nokia, and the apple in the tree of wireless life....APPL  they  all have a piece of the pie...and they all will make $$ in these two emerging markets...I would also like to say that South Africa and Kenya where also in the report and both will have staggering numbers too.  here are a list of the major carrier's in the emerging markets....

1) China Unicom
2) Bharti Airtel  (india)
3) PT Telekomunidasi  (Indonesia)
4) Mobily  (
5) Safari com  (kenya)

You thought I was done didn't you....I am...Leave me your thoughts...and Tell R thanks for the was interesting..  many techy's are calling that tech will pull us out of this downturn...  Oh one more thing I forgot to tell you.....China future IPO  you will want to buy this when it comes out...the Amazon of china...and amazon is in china by the way....   it will be listed on the Nasdaq exchange.sometime in 2010... I think from what I read it will be as hot as Bidu.... Oh and   doubt I have time to post this week,,,,  so

Happy Hanukkah!   and  Merry Christmas!  to everyone...may you all be blessed..   L


Friday, December 18, 2009

Nice Try........

We just did not get the momentum that I was looking for even after FedEX finally admitted they lied as usual.  But hey they'll make it up with increasing prices again, just like Brown will and the Post office will follow  so buy up some forever stamps cause I see 50c in the future to send a letter.  But like I said, we are probable going to see that Christmas rally after all....RIMM....we owe it to the cell phone bus...R....perfect timing on the report..I still need to read..I will this wkend...after I play in the snow....but hey Rimm is known for its surprises....If Obama signs this copenhagen thing...our country is bankrupt just like Greece for sure!  I can see why the Chinese do not want to sign and pay forever.... Ok lets see if this party is getting started..I will try to update a better view tomorrow...have a good wkend...later

hey, I did not know it was Witch day, and McH, has a new sell signal R, he has a major trend change coming, and his key support is 1075 on s/p.  I like that, and I forgot to mention the Head and shoulder pattern that had formed...very small but still there...  watching a few min's of morning joe, traders do not like Obama in Copenhagen....interesting...could this be the start?   OK, I am gone now later L

Thursday, December 17, 2009

HIGH ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seems things are changing overnight.."ARC", looks like the dollar is in action....UUP  is next up to bat...she has broken the 20 day mov ave this is a good sign   50day is hanging at $24.09  my 5yr macd is saying up up and away at least for now...China is taking a beating   I think that is FXP( proshares ultrashort..)  I am already in that one..just put my little toe in a few weeks actually just back to where I got in at...I have a possible $10-13 range ...Guys what do you think?  R, STP could be ready to break out to the upside, I told you awhile ago I am a lousy long trader..short and sweet so did you hit the trigger on that one? FSLR is also looking  good to the upside, sorry R if you got out..but hey you did good if you did, but if you didn't your really gonna do good...LOL!  Oh been looking at the Nikkei...I think she's about to dump into a 3rd wave one at a time...remember how 07" started...right after the Olympics...China dumped first.. then the chain reaction started...could this be the start?  well, its tuff going long right now Guys, I just can't put my foot into the long side right now...don't ask me why, my gut, shit seems to be starting to hit the fan, but they are trying to hold the ship together right now..they want the exec's to get their pay...My problem is we seem to be in  the Triangle from Hell, and I thought I had the right count but this could be a larger triangle than I thought, and if that is the case, then this could be the "E" wave Now, because we never broke out to the downside in this triangle we just bounced almost perfectly and went back, it leads me to believe two scenerios, 1) still wave E to finish and the triangle is larger than I thought,,, and we will then go up till march/april.....Oh and wave E could drop to 1050-75 area... 2) we have topped and just lolly gagging around in a topping process that could take months too...Flat Rectangle...Diamond shape really...hummmm I am looking at charts as I am you could get mixed messages...LOL! Jobs claims come out again today...what a joke that could be...

I have to say this to all of you, I know that at times I sound a little, well, nuts, but it is of the ut-most importance that you have cash,  silver, or gold, water, dry foods, gas, canned foods, ready in case the banks take a dump....rotate the food, the number one terrorist attack that this country and the world  would be shut down is taking down the internet....if that happened banks, shopping would could not buy food or get cash....anyhow, I know I am not the only one who thinks this way...just a reminder.....its like the show on the weather channel....   It could happen tomorrow!   LOL!  it would not be funny would it...I gotta get some rest...have a great day trading everyone...>L

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

21st Century so different than the 20th......

Several weeks ago a man was on a radio talk show and was giving some interesting of course I wrote down.... in the early 1900's,  there where over 30 million there are only 300,000!  That is only 1% if I did my math correctly! That one percent feeds over 300 million people....humm I said to myself...scary actually.  Do you have a garden? Do you know how to even grow a tomato? Greenbeans? so on....I asked several co-workers that question...answer..."NO", hummm....thats scary...for them not me..but hey life isn't always about the you's is it?  So, we rely so heavily on others to produce almost everything that we use in our daily lives...Funny, but this stuff forms patterns, in our lives. One's that we do everyday, day in and day out. Typical worker: up at 6a.m. get the kids up send them off to school, we go to work, pick kids up take them out to eat, run them here and there, no time for ourselves..  :( sad isn't it..., go home go to bed, and do it all over again....think about it...a pattern.   Now, how many corky patterns do we all have, I mean, hey I have probably several almost like a ritual you know what I mean!  Take time to think of what yours are? 

Now, lets say something or someone puts a screw in your pattern, you know kid gets sick at school, suddenly, and your in the middle of a big meeting or ball game, or your pattern right, and your yanked out of it to get the kid, augggggggggg  it mess's your day up, it mess's what you had planned, and it mess's up your pattern.   Now you've got to be wondering why I am chatting about this stuff, Right?  Well, this is what I see happening with the stock market day in and day out, and it has been happening since the stock market as we know it has been around...

The world as we know it is changing rapidly, the good old days are gone, Poof!  Can you feel the change? the pattern has changed...our industrial world as we know it is gone. The good ol U.S.A, doesn't feel like apple pie and Chevrolet anymore does it?  It feels like most of the commercials I seeeee...a pill for this that aches you, and a pill to cheer you up, and if that doesn't work, hey we got drinks that will make you run like a deer all day long!  Most of it is just B.S, isn't it..but it sells, you hear it all the time, we have become the Consumer nation.  One of the other reasons I think we have pills and drinks to help us along is we do not handle the screws in our lives very well, you know Change, and I don't mean the pennies in your pocket change....The 20th century was so calm, mellow,  until we had war and that changed things for our grandparents , a screw had been thrown in, then the boomers where born, the structure of hard work, fair pay, and the expectation that a job would alway be their no matter what. My parents, maybe your parents where(are) the loyal to one company type, do or die, just like the fans of the Yankees. They lived life conservatively, yet they where innovative and name brands where born, Tide, GM,Ford, so on...they wanted their children to have what they did not have, an education, better this and better that...and they did, up until Now!

Most of those boomers kids are laid off, can't find work, eating out is a luxury now...$$ is hard to come by, yet they still expect the Jobs, they are loosing everything, and some are even loosing the shirts off their backs. They worked hard like their parents, and they where loyal to the GM's, Fords, Merrill's, Goldmans, and they have nothing left after all these years of service to these co's. What has happened!   

Technology has really put the biggest screw in the job market. It has increased the speed of change so rapidly that the majority of people, including myself get stunned at how fast our lives are going ...feels like the speed of light sometimes to me!...Gotta go here, gotta go there...faster and faster we go, more technology!
Is is Evil or good? that can only be answerd by you?   All I can tell you is, it has developed and produced more competition against so many companies world wide that it has cost millions of jobs to be lost and yet at the same time millions of jobs have been created from it, yet as time goes faster and faster technology will eventually take more jobs than it creates because it gets smarter and will reproduce itself before it is over with ....thats my opinion...Have you watched your kids or young adults play outside lately?....I do not hear laughter much these days, or cheering on the fields, they are playing on their computers or cell phones, just like I am right now...or Wii machines....isn't life funny?  Change, Technology, next whats next? World competition and demographics, companies are leaving to rebuild in the new industrialization countries, but what happens when they run out of new countries to go too?   They come back to the good ol U.S.A, but will we be that country any longer??  Remember this effects all of us Now and in the Future!   Supply and demand, the basics of economics, Big companies getting smaller, Wages getting smaller, Downsizing.   This has taken me several days to put together, but I wanted you all to start to think about the What If's?  The cycle's of change?  Just like the stock market...and the cycle of, love, and laugh..we only live once..Later >L

Monday, December 14, 2009

Up Up and Away....

Well, here we go, the supposingly last X-Mas rally is where do we stop does anyone know?  Hee Hee...thats the ? of the month it going to the %61.8, or to the %50 ????  I will have to wait and RTP is going strong, sorry about AMZN, but it did have a nice move from where I I am still up...and Look at "R's" STP its on a roll...I like it alot it looks strong, I hope you did not bail?  Ok lets give me some comments on where you all have it going in your minds, and then I can give you mine back, I am working on a project that has been of great interest too me for years, and have recently found new information that is helping me to crack the keys that I have been missing. so I am sorry that I have not been chattty as usual, this has my attention right now, I want to pass it on as soon as I get finished but that could be months from now with my time but I will when I am finished I promise. ARC, I hope I can count on your help at some point...sometimes my math really sucks, my brain does not do geometry well, I usually cheat by finding the answers on the internet..LOL!  but this time I thinks me needs an expert...OK gals and guys I gotta go...have a wonderful evening...>L

Friday, December 11, 2009


Look at that Rimm go..if you bought "C" that's gonna be a nice short or maybe long have your trigger finger ready...  R, you've done well in STP it is looking really good, so don't fret... you don't want to be me..right now..but hey I had said it a few weeks ago when I was whining this puppy could turn at any time, or I might just eat some serious dirt...yummy....well at least iron and some minerals are in dirt...LOL!  SLV is looking good,  for short term bounce...if it does not bounce it has heavy support at $`15.75 area...look for bounce there, I think the odds are it goes there first...what did she just say, yep contradicting statements while I type.. I changed my mind while looking at it..OK>>.LOL!    sorry,,, OK need everyone to go to  U-Tube and some nice person put Louia Yamada up with her interview at King World...the links just do not want to work on my just Tube it and Ithink you'll find it, believe there are 5 vid of her in total to complete the interview...very interesting...OK, gotta get some rest....later gang,..>L

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ending of the triangle from He.....

Ok, I think that todays action finished the E, wave possibly of this triangle that we have been caught up in, now if it has finished we should see A's last push scenerio up, so the turn date for the top stands from X-Mas eve to Jan 5th...  If this was not the triangle(honestly Ithink it was the triangle scenerio)..then we are possibly starting a 2nd wave scenerio to go up to form the right shoulder, either way it is still going to be a nice rally; in my opinion..OK gotts to run winds tonight of 40-60mph gusts..hold on betsy....LOL!L>

Monday, December 7, 2009


Hey ARC, "A", hope your feeling better, I think this is the year for the pharmacy companies or local drug marts...everyone that I know has been sick, not good, I need to knock on some wood. Look at UPS and FEDX sore after hours...LOL! Cut backs and more cutting of the fat...FDX lies! again and again!  funny how the street really knows the truth...OK, as stated last night several scenerios, and I was doing some homework, and I know have a turn date of Jan1-5th...2010, hows that for a turn date...oh and we top somewhere around that time...later >L

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Choppy patterns....

These past few months have kinda been like the PBR(professional bull riding), it is live on espn last night and again tonight if you like bull riding by the way...thats why I'm late posting..sorry, LOL!   Gotta give it to the cowboys they take a beating to make little $ in my opinion.   The way we have just bounced up and down and formed a rectangular pattern of support  leaves me to only conclude 2 scenerios, we are still in an extended 4th wave inside of wave A or B of wave b, or we are topping in the B wave scenerio, and could be in a 4th wave there, or have made our new high and just still bobbing around... Thats my opinion, others may not agree with me, but that is mainly why I have not  gotten back out of my QID shares, because this pattern usually ends suddenly, and forces with in make for nice fast drops , and as fast as we have gone up I think we will drop even faster....Now where are we going to drop to...S/P has several major supports...1085-90 area if we break that 1020-30 is next big support there.  So that is on a short time span if we begin a correction....if we are in a topping pattern we probably go back to 1090 area, then back up will almost form a nice head and shoulder top...and that would bring us to A's time area...24th dec,. I think is what he has...Now if we do not form the H/S pattern, we could again be in a acending wedge pattern...and we will go back up to hit the 1120-40 area,, this has been  the most called area by most chartists.  Well the ones I follow most of the time anyway. its also around the 50% retrace level on Fib terms. and we all knew this already anyway. Its the sell signals that are giving me trouble..but if we didn't have to work all day  I think we really would have capitalized on alot of these day traders dreams...these have had to be very profitable times for most of the good e-mini traders...Hot Option Babe and her follower's had a great Friday from reading their comments from Fridays if your looking at options or already trade them, this site is fun to follow they really do a great job in sharing and answering questions even if your a beginner.... Hey hope all of you enjoyed the kitty was just cute...OK, have some more homework to do and hope to post again today...have a good Sun. Morn.  >L

Friday, December 4, 2009

C....Here is your Rogue Wave ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !

Haa this is Sugar about to turn into Shit..excuse my sense of humor..LOL! (sorta like a great golfer here recently!).   "C",  your turn, on your prediction.  its Rogue!  Yep, time for the Bears to head into the den....might as well just get some rest..."A's ", turn date is probably the X that marks the spot for us Bears....thats OK, for the first time in days I feel at ease...the revisions are just part time jobs for the Holidays, believe me, its the only jobs that I saw in the papers...LOL! Even the Bond boys are going to the den....I think my den will be partying before this is all over...LOL!....Whatch the dollar guys this is going to get interesting...Gold could go  to where McH ..has it going to $1300 or higher...well, my friends V and MA  are just kicking into overdrive...I am going to get back into the regional banks HBAN, looks good,    this long shot has paid well in the past,, and is due to find out if it gets the FDA s approval  MNKD, so if your a small risk taker this is the one...BX is down several $$ so it could be fast $$ too...OK,  time to make coookies!....$$$$$  later today..>L

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Running on Empty....

ARC, I think I am exhausted!  This thing is like the little Choo Choo that could. I think if we break 1090 on S/P we could have our larger correction underway. We will see like always..but I am sticking with my Bearish side...hummmmmmm  There is so much chatter in the rooms I feel like a peeping Tom...LOL!  These guys and gals are killing the E-Mini's  while I am counting sheep,,, I am jealous...but Santa and his Helpers must carry on...Things are slow, but like I said the Amazon's and E-Bay are going strong. If there is a sale online its being bought if its a buy. Bargain hunters of America.. I lub em....LOL!  "R", nice call on STP I saw that first solar is on the move again, both seem to follow like dogs...big dog, little dog, funny though little got to the chinese faster it seems.  Well , gotta run all, have a wonderful night>L

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Long and winding road~~~~~

Alright, ARC, so I had high hopes!..Uggg....Its hunting season on Bears, what can I say. This baby just wants to go to 1121 on S/P. There is just no other way around it.  What happens after that, well, I know we'll test the bottom channel if we are in a rounding Top situation. If we bust the top support, shoot we are heading to 1200, that scenerio is very likely too. My time line says if this move down does not occur soon we go up till March/April. That would kill most of us bears off and make me over hybernate into the spring.

There is no good news, oh I forgot housing sales are up, up where back to 1929 levels, Banks are still  undercapitalized and the Golden city still waits for Dorothy to bail it out, personally I think a huge Tsunami will take that place down, it just reminds me of a disaster waiting to happen, I don't know about you but the last time I was at the beach and I built my sand castle's it did not take long for them to wash away..LOL!
Really, the printing press is just gonna have to stop for repairs someday??  Hope everyone had a  good holiday...later>L

Friday, November 27, 2009

OMG have any of you seen the futures????

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW         Yippppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Paddle Water Torchure.....

Ouch, oouch..ooooouch... this is no fun anymore...but expected, I guess I shoulda stayed out when I got out in the first place. Shooda, coooda, woooda..Hee Hee.. I will survive...sometimes this means "War", but I have to tell all of you, We are getting closer...its almost over...BEAR with's going to be worth it...61.8% is buy buy! Oh almost forgot,,, check out E-Bay, and amazon for longs...they will kick butt this that means my friend MA(mastercard,and V(visa) will do well too...not for credit but debit....OK, again..

Happy Thanksgiving, thanks for everything "ARC", Happy Trails to all. >L

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gobble, Gobble!

C, thanks for the Lo man, very interesting. I luv new thinkers, each path leads you down a new road, and this guy has new ideas that I have yet to ponder, so Thank You very much.

The Turkey is almost here, and as C, stated it looks like we just hang till next week, when all the big boys are back from yachting the carribean...sounds like fun doesn't it. I prefer canoeing, and white water rafting, but sandy white beaches are nice to have on your list, oh and I forgot a good looking pool boy..LOL!

I was just surfing Planet Yelnik, sometimes that place is nuts and by the blogging lately it has stirred the pot over in his domain...according to his site Prechter has gone all in to the downside, bloggers are snickering on what to do..It's like reading a horror book sometimes when I go into the bloggers site and read their reactions to the day's download forum..." Oh my goodness, well maybe I should do that, No, maybe I should just wait, well, gosh what are you doing Yelnick, are you going all in? God has spoken, well?...."

LOL! its so funny!...I agree with Prechter to a point, and my A-- hurts over it too, but I am also trading trades like SEED... what a move it had yesterday, and I caught the pull back early morning and sold at the close for a nice gain mind you, I think it goes higher, but its the kind of trade that I like, IN then OUT! quick cash and nice gain. Its also making up some of the ground that I am loosing in QID, It would have hurt worse had I not gotten out a few weeks ago but I am sticking with my decision, hurting or not.
Gotta run, but if I have not told all of you HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you! Later>L

Monday, November 23, 2009

Andy this is for you......

Now I added this because I remember a small piece of what A, does for a living, and I figure he is a goober like most of us and enjoys this kind of stuff...goober stuff, you know the stars, where we came from, so for the market well, thats a deeper subject and very trivial, we bears where just eaten for lunch. Simple and to the fact. Maybe I should re-think things again. I admit I have lost a sizable amount of $ right now for being a bear. As of right now its a bit over $20 grand, I had made up alot of that last week, but today I awoke to a Oh, SH--, where did that come from...LOL! Futures where up early morning, but modestly, 4-5$ did I really think we would go visit the top in one day...Heck NO...I am a bit confused and I need to consult another Chinese fortune cookie...I jumped out of Gold, almost a week ago..and where did it go...Up Up and UP...Man I am beginning to feel like there are other forces that we do not know about that is controling this market. The last time elliot wave and Merideth Witney came on about being bearish we went down, then blasted up..funny this was a repeat performance. I have also noticed the number of Mondays that we have had enormous moves ...The B wave continues...reminds me of 07...the waiting game... and a new channel....L>

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Decline>>>>>>>>

I found this earlier today, and I thought it was appropriate for what is really happening to America. L>

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Market Stuck in Overdrive....

Well, ARC, it must have been a pretty good day for the Mini traders. Personally I still can't find my back end if you know what I mean. Things are seemingly looking up for the Pre-Hybernation Bears... Oh, and sorry again about the Chart thing, I just must be stupid or something, but my ability to get a chart drawn for the blog is great..its getting the commentary on it?, so I make a copy and write my thoughts on it..then I try to scan it into my go...thats why I updated the go...I just don't have time to F..with it right now but hopefully with the Holly days coming..I can give it another try...maybe I will go join stockcharts..its free..and somehow these guys get permission to use their charts online...A, do you know how they do that? thoughts of this rounding top seem to be trading out, so we need to retest this trend line low of somewhere between 1040=1030, that will give us a possible Head and shoulders set up. News today as most of you heard was absolutley terrible, yet they keep playing their cards on how much cash the co's are sitting on....thats fine, heck if you laid off an est. 18-25million people you would be a cash cow too..but what about the mtg's and I have told my fish bowl...hang on this could be a bumpy ride...momma isn't buying anything but new underwear for X-Mas for all her guppies....believe me they are not happy! The noose is tighter around their necks and they hate me right now, but my guppies are smarter than I am, they use me and put their paychecks in the Black gold, texas tea market like momma told them and they are now cash cows...they drive old clunkers like momma, and follow me faithfully to the thrift stores, and flea markets...their fish bowls are always full. I know that they will always be OK, no matter what happens in this big bad world.. Most of their portfolios look like this PGH, GLD, RTP,. Gold, miners and minerals, coal,nat.gas. PGH pays a dividend every month, foreign fees are taken out, but still compounding monthly is paying off for the guppies. GLD, has just been on a wonderful ride for them, and RTP, well, they will owe me for life on that one. But these are all long term holds for the gups, these will go up and down, and have , but in the end, these three will pay off compounding for years and the gups will be fine as long as they never touch it...the key..and I have pounded that into their pea brains is compounding dividends and India,china, Afica the last frontiers...Hopefully all the guppies that I have talked too and tried to mentor will learn just a few small things that will someday payoff for them. Some listen, some don't its OK, we all have to learn on our own or never learn as most of the guppies today just text their lives away.. communication...the last frontier...LOL...OK, lets see if this channel holds..tomorrow should be another down day...sorry for the lecture guys...later L>

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What we're going Up!

Evening ARC, Looking at the charts today we need a final small 5th wave up and I think we are done for the 3rd wave. We should retrace to 1075-80 area, and then the bigger ??? comes into trade...are we going back up to really retrace the Fib 61.8%. >L

Coin Toss...

Morning ARC, Glad your back A. R, hope your being patient. C, I don't have a clue what your into...LOL! I have a feeling your on track for some reason, and I hope I am right. For myself, well, I updated my drivers Sun night and its been hell ever since...The Cat told me how dumb I was to do it, and he was right. Now The Cats name is Max he is a Norwegian Forest Cat, and he luvs to trade the market, I let him click the mouse..LOL! Ah..come on you gotta smile at least....LOL!

Alright, lets get to the market, funny things happen when you download new drivers, you can't find your charts to trade with, and all of your screens disappear down to one...I should have listen to the Cat, so working all day yesterday I finally have a few things back into view..Looks to me that we need to break 1080 on the S/P to get some downdraft to this markt. If...If that happens I believe we have the 10-20% correction, and we go back up...but until that happens, anybody got a coin? >L

Monday, November 16, 2009

Andy's Back...!

If any of you have not checked Andy is back. Of course we all missed the Gann Man, so go check out his return update...Later L>

Friday, November 13, 2009

Running on empty....wasting my time.....

Wow, I am just amazed at the upside movement still in this market, don't get me wrong I lived thru the O5", kick in the butt, but again this is not 04-05. Its back to what I said the other day, Me thinks we are doing the old Rounded Top, and it feels like the Old Rugged Trail that I hiked in the Smokey Mts one summer. Thats not the name of the trail by the way, it was my name for it, climbing to the top of that mountain, sometimes reminds me of what is going on right now in my trading camp. Here is a quote from Albert Einstein that I will never forget:

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better".

Deep inside the human mind, we have survival skills that most have never used, the hunter gather'r in us will come out eventually. We are survivors until we give up our last breath. All animals in my opinion are the same, and we are all hunted by something or someone. It is the Lifecycle. Why am I exploring this view, well, it is to remind ourselves that most of the time we are just Follower's of the crowd, or as I call it "The Herd". Media plays a huge role in our lives, what we hear, and see, plays dramatic roles in our lives. I think for the most part we can't think for ourselves anymore, and our society has totally become followers, and given up their rights to a few, just a hand full of men and women to make all the decisions for their lives..(Washington, DC) oh this is not the first time in history that this has happend, look at the Roman Empire, the Egyptians, and so on.. If they told you to line up in a nice straight line most would do it..Hitler was the King of psychological killings.

Ok, back to the market, I think we keep seeing this down/up scenerio because we have no cotton picken idea what the other guy is up too and we are panicking and getting into the market, while of course others are getting out, so the pendulum is swinging back and forth, now the bulls are still winning on little volume as I can see but its weird, some stocks have massive volume trading..look at GE, 65,284,099. Wow, this stock on a normal day does only 25-30, its double yet it ended down. RTP usually does 10, but today it only did 1.1, and ended up $7...SDS was smoking dope at 43, where it usually does 15. and thats the one that brought all of this to my attention.

The Pendulum is swinging maddly now in my opinion, Hitler is back, people do not know if they should get in or get out, headlines are just headlines, they are numb. Now I know I have had my moments, but to be honest with ya'll I got out today of everything I had this morning. So, I am feeling like we need that blast off, that last push to the top, so I wanted all of my Bullets ready to shoot to the downside, these people are getting greedy again, and by the way I am not sure if any of you saw the new Cadillac commercial, I wanted to puke, but they are going to be bringing a new two seater convertable(like the Alante) for sale in 2011. First off, the goverment, Not You or I gave them our $$$ to save their Butts and this is how they spend it? Already wasting millions on a commercial of a car that does not exist yet! Do you see what I mean? They did not learn a damn thing! They think their shit does not stink, they are the KINGS! LOL! So, when I saw that comm, this morn, I knew it was time, to exit my trades, good or bad, this will eventually go down and I needed more bullets to be able to get the Gazelle. Patience and remember what Albert said...very important. Oh, it may be time for you to refresh yourselves on survival courses, emergency techniques are important too. Their is nothing like being thrown into the woods all by yourself, no food,no water, just the clothes on your back, what do I do next?????? Hint: shelter is first, be like a beaver......L>