Alright, ARC, so I had high hopes!..Uggg....Its hunting season on Bears, what can I say. This baby just wants to go to 1121 on S/P. There is just no other way around it. What happens after that, well, I know we'll test the bottom channel if we are in a rounding Top situation. If we bust the top support, shoot we are heading to 1200, that scenerio is very likely too. My time line says if this move down does not occur soon we go up till March/April. That would kill most of us bears off and make me over hybernate into the spring.
There is no good news, oh I forgot housing sales are up, up where back to 1929 levels, Banks are still undercapitalized and the Golden city still waits for Dorothy to bail it out, personally I think a huge Tsunami will take that place down, it just reminds me of a disaster waiting to happen, I don't know about you but the last time I was at the beach and I built my sand castle's it did not take long for them to wash away..LOL!
Really, the printing press is just gonna have to stop for repairs someday?? Hope everyone had a good holiday...later>L
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
Hey L, I think it might be in trading range and might shoot up till it gets to A's turn date before serious correction. I am in some DGP and tiny bit of FAZ (which is in red now) and rest is cash on sideline. When I cannot win I will lose so i better be on sideline waiting and resting. Bests.
ReplyDeleteYou know L, STP starting to look good again but I am afraid of even going long anymore, as anything I touched recently except DGP goes down.
ReplyDeleteYep R, I know what you mean, but they are just playing us like fools gold, it sucks when you know that you are right, its the timing that is off. Funny I found some notes that I had written back in May saying we would go to 1140, shame I can't follow my own advice sometimes..LOL! I think that Nat Gas looks wonderful, and STP does look good the funny thing is what if that nut in Asia decides to let go of a Nuc on Israel..?? Oil would go to $300 a barrel....interesting Huh? >L
ReplyDeleteI look at the weekly charts for $NDX and $SPX and they look almost done, but almost done is not done and they could go on for another 2 months. We need to be patient, play the long side on a few stocks and DGP .. while waiting for the gazelle. You need everyone except me, you, A and C thinking it will not come down :)
ReplyDeleteThat nut in ASIA is not as nutty as you think. His ancestry are jewish and his family were persecuted there, so they converted their religion but has to act more anti-Israel to remove any doubts or make up for it somehow. And he knows it will be mutual destruction if he does anything stupid.
You know, I am more afraid of Israel dropping field nukes on the nut's reactors and starting a big war in that region that could turn in WW3. Unless their strike brings a finality to that whole thing then I am afraid that would happen. But if their strike brings a finality then they risk killing thousands if not millions of people and will get the hate or wrath of everyone alive on the planet or at least Asia and Europe.
You know L, I feel with the Jews and what had happened to them in Europe and hitler. But I also do not support what they are doing these days to people that had nothing to do with hitler or Europe. They need to seize building new settlements in the west bank and east Jurasalem, and end their occupation of the west bank sooner then later. You know if someone was occuping Texas for example, people will fight them and they will get called terrosists. You know, the way I see it is I am happy I did not have any guilt for what happened to the Jews in Europe, but I sure would also not want any guilt for what is happening to the Palestinians.
If I occupy your house, do you seize fighting me first (with weapons 1000x inferior to mine), or do I withdraw from your house first. Anway it is a complicated situation and neither has done enough for peace.
Financials about to start 3 of 2 of 1? That's what they look to me in EW, but EV has not made me any money yet :(
ReplyDeleteSorry I meant to say 3 of 3 of 1.