Wow, I am just amazed at the upside movement still in this market, don't get me wrong I lived thru the O5", kick in the butt, but again this is not 04-05. Its back to what I said the other day, Me thinks we are doing the old Rounded Top, and it feels like the Old Rugged Trail that I hiked in the Smokey Mts one summer. Thats not the name of the trail by the way, it was my name for it, climbing to the top of that mountain, sometimes reminds me of what is going on right now in my trading camp. Here is a quote from Albert Einstein that I will never forget:
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better".
Deep inside the human mind, we have survival skills that most have never used, the hunter gather'r in us will come out eventually. We are survivors until we give up our last breath. All animals in my opinion are the same, and we are all hunted by something or someone. It is the Lifecycle. Why am I exploring this view, well, it is to remind ourselves that most of the time we are just Follower's of the crowd, or as I call it "The Herd". Media plays a huge role in our lives, what we hear, and see, plays dramatic roles in our lives. I think for the most part we can't think for ourselves anymore, and our society has totally become followers, and given up their rights to a few, just a hand full of men and women to make all the decisions for their lives..(Washington, DC) oh this is not the first time in history that this has happend, look at the Roman Empire, the Egyptians, and so on.. If they told you to line up in a nice straight line most would do it..Hitler was the King of psychological killings.
Ok, back to the market, I think we keep seeing this down/up scenerio because we have no cotton picken idea what the other guy is up too and we are panicking and getting into the market, while of course others are getting out, so the pendulum is swinging back and forth, now the bulls are still winning on little volume as I can see but its weird, some stocks have massive volume trading..look at GE, 65,284,099. Wow, this stock on a normal day does only 25-30, its double yet it ended down. RTP usually does 10, but today it only did 1.1, and ended up $7...SDS was smoking dope at 43, where it usually does 15. and thats the one that brought all of this to my attention.
The Pendulum is swinging maddly now in my opinion, Hitler is back, people do not know if they should get in or get out, headlines are just headlines, they are numb. Now I know I have had my moments, but to be honest with ya'll I got out today of everything I had this morning. So, I am feeling like we need that blast off, that last push to the top, so I wanted all of my Bullets ready to shoot to the downside, these people are getting greedy again, and by the way I am not sure if any of you saw the new Cadillac commercial, I wanted to puke, but they are going to be bringing a new two seater convertable(like the Alante) for sale in 2011. First off, the goverment, Not You or I gave them our $$$ to save their Butts and this is how they spend it? Already wasting millions on a commercial of a car that does not exist yet! Do you see what I mean? They did not learn a damn thing! They think their shit does not stink, they are the KINGS! LOL! So, when I saw that comm, this morn, I knew it was time, to exit my trades, good or bad, this will eventually go down and I needed more bullets to be able to get the Gazelle. Patience and remember what Albert said...very important. Oh, it may be time for you to refresh yourselves on survival courses, emergency techniques are important too. Their is nothing like being thrown into the woods all by yourself, no food,no water, just the clothes on your back, what do I do next?????? Hint: shelter is first, be like a beaver......L>
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
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