Hi ARC, Hope your wkend is going well. Its almost over, 4 more work days and I can rest on a nice 3 day wkend..Yea me, yea us....OK, got your coffee, I am going to wing this like I do most of my posts so, if I contridict my self at times well, just realize its the thoughts that count...
OK, ? where we are?. We have been going NO WHERE in this market for over a month! Bouncing like a ball up and down, like I had said in a previous post, I wish I had been a day trader this year! Since Nov, we have really done nothing but move sideways. I have a negative divergence on my MACD, says a change is coming soon butt,, X-Mas rallies out % drops So, do we go higher to finish this move, I think so, as I had stated earlier this wk. My views on that subject have really not changed. Mr. McH has not called a top yet either but has now posted a turn date of Feb.14th . The only sectors that seemed to make new highs where retail, and I think that is funny, but considering there sales had been soooo bad that at least they had sales for Christmas makes them a better bet I guess...LOL! Real estate seems to be picking up and thats because of the low interest rates, I read an article last night about Ben Bernanke re-financing his home...they said he refied for 5% interest. He was on a variable rate mtg. ..Now I thought that was funny interesting, since he left interst rates alone, this time..... Do you see what I see? (christmas song hee hee) oh lets get back to the theme of tonights story... Ben, well, Me thinks Ben is about to start raising interest rates....what do you think? Nice how you can be the judge and jury of millions of home owners..isn't it. Do they call that insider trading? Hint, if you have a variable mtg rate..its time to refi A.S.A.P. The sad part of all of this is the thousands of homes that people have just had to leave sitting empty. There are NO Jobs, in the mid-west, or a town called Mo-Town or Motor city....These towns are now ghost towns..they are nice quaint little places that once inhabited thousands, but its not a movie playing at the local theatres so most do not care. You can drive down the streets and see abandoned cars, closed up Home Depots, and strip malls empty, with broken glass. Vandels are having a good time and so is local prostitution using abandoned houses that once cost 3-400 hundred thousand dollars. Alot of these homes belonged to GM and Chrysler for their executives. But Hey the TARP $$ is being repaid by the crooked banks who should have never gotten TARP in the first place, jacking the interest rates on Credit cards and calling in loans have miraculously given the banks Billions over night...I think not!....Ben did you keep the printer printing all night long 7 days a week for the past year! Those dirty bills slid under the table didn't they Ben!....OK, you got my dirty thoughts on this Snowy Sunday night....lets get back to the market....
Has the Dollar Bottomed? Hummm thats a tuffy, looking at Andy's updated charts on the dollar the other day it is close... So if it has, are we going to have Inflation or Deflation??? That is the ? of the night.. with Ben Trigger happy all of a sudden...we could get Inflation...Ben needs a bonus too.... I do not know if you have been to the grocery lately but Inflation has already hit in this city. People are using my favorite coupons for almost everything they buy...free $$...NOT! Proctor/Gamble just like GM and Ford have jacked the price of goods up so high that even the coupon doesn't do it justice for the price...Razorblades, have to cost pennies to manufacture, yet they are outragous in price...Mens Fusion Blades 8 pack $24 at walmart...is there something wrong with that picture? 8 little blades!, thats $3 a piece...to shave some fur off your face..hell I'd grow a beard first before I paid that or at least buy an electric shaver and shave twice a day..I know you just do not get that Close feeling with-out lining Proctor and Gambles pockets...LOL! OK,, done with that NEXT:
Oil.... can you believe that we might have topped...fallen and some think we might go higher....last time I heard inventory reports we where a little fat in the barrel if you know what I mean...Oil is backed up in the ocean freighters, and they are just huge storage facilities right now. Nat.Gas...we were once running out weren't we? but suddenly we have enough for the next 100 years....lots and lots of Nat.Gas...yet the price is going up...Whats UP with that??? NEXT:
The Fall of the Dubai Empire....Greece.....Iceland.......USA......Great Britain.......so on and so on....who will bail us out? NEXT:
Presidential Elections and the Stock Market...now this one has always been an interesting cycle. Did you know that historically, the 2nd year of every newly elected President has been positive, and usually makes a TOP in the market during that time period...food for thought! I think it could happen again...NEXT:
R's, Morgan stanley report contradicts everything I just said.....it says we are going up from the investments that U.S. based corporations have made in basically the BRICK Countries. I think they are right, but from what I read in most of the reports you must be heavily invested in those countries. The main report that R had sent to me(I went to morg/stan site and peeked around read alot and took alot of notes) was on Wireless carrier's in Emerging Markets.
Now, this was interesting..to say the least. Now most of you Tech guys and gals like R and A already know some of the future to wireless access and the potential of growth in this sector, is, ENORMOUS!!!!!!!!
India for instance: India does not have land lines stretched out like the U.S does... so wireless has given India a jump start in some of the most remote area's they have. Reading about Bharti Airtel, India's goverment owned (verizon basically) controls all or most of all of the wireless and land lines in major cities. The virtual world in India is exploding, with Hand Held devices, some of which we do not have in the U.S. they can actually do more on their phones than we can. I could not find which company was selling the most hand helds there but I will keep searching. I am not and I repeat a user of text or internet service on my phone. Reason, I could get fired at my job. I wish I had it like everyone else, but I really do not need it. Wants and Needs where reviewed on yesterday's post with Dave Ramsey...LOL! so the reason I told you that is I really did not know about alot of the things that most of the public can do with Blackberries, androids, and others...
China, well, they are exploding with technology based everything, the Bejing Olympics put surveilance in every corner of their world, they spent Billions on Wireless everything. I wil not bore you with details that most of you already know.. China wants to become a capitalistic society...funny how cycles are...they allow alot of U.S.and European based companies to compete for their $$, in exchange we purchase from theme. But they are becoming the new consumer based country....are you ready.....REFRIGERATORS! Yes, you are not seeing things...also India as soon as they get enough power thru Nuc plants,, will be next to get appliances .... They are buying Millions of Friggy's...Samsung, whirlpool, and other co's that make these are doing great....so if you want you can research appliances but they manufacture all of them there already, so like wireless the price of service is so cheap that companies are making $ but are regulated by the Gov'ts and can only make so much...you see...so the reality of it all is that it cost Billions to design and execute the wireless programs in India and China, but in a few years when their economies really pick up or go into a 3rd wave up...then they will begin to capitalize on the people that have grown to do all their shopping and banking online. Like they have done to most of us hear in the U.S.
Companies to Invest in for the long run////// CHA china telecom Bidu.... CHL china mobile CHU china unicom (cramers favorite by the way) Google (their new phone) Rimm, Nokia, and the apple in the tree of wireless life....APPL they all have a piece of the pie...and they all will make $$ in these two emerging markets...I would also like to say that South Africa and Kenya where also in the report and both will have staggering numbers too. here are a list of the major carrier's in the emerging markets....
1) China Unicom
2) Bharti Airtel (india)
3) PT Telekomunidasi (Indonesia)
4) Mobily (s.africa)
5) Safari com (kenya)
You thought I was done didn't you....I am...Leave me your thoughts...and Tell R thanks for the Info..it was interesting.. many techy's are calling that tech will pull us out of this downturn... Oh one more thing I forgot to tell you.....China future IPO you will want to buy this when it comes out...the Amazon of china...and amazon is in china by the way.... 360buy.com it will be listed on the Nasdaq exchange.sometime in 2010... I think from what I read it will be as hot as Bidu.... Oh and doubt I have time to post this week,,,, so
Happy Hanukkah! and Merry Christmas! to everyone...may you all be blessed.. L
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
Stellar commentary L!
ReplyDeleteI went short DELL, YHOO and RIMM
will use a 5% STOP LOSS for those
trades. Also all of filters show
SELL SELL SELL. No real buys
for now. That could change but for
now seems like a toppy low h-l range
market thats for sure. Low VIX, Higher
US Dollar and a "record" steepness in the
yield curve? Higher Rates and a Recovery?
If not for the printing press it would be
much much lower for the stocks. So the
dollar gets crushed to give the "appearance"
of a recovery and the musical chairs go
on to another day. Meanwhile chairs are'
being removed from the room while no one
is paying attention.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
$COMPQ 61.8 retrace is at 2556
ReplyDelete$SPX 50% retrace is at 1121
We almost kissed both today; If these don't turn out to be P2 top then I will give up my bearish stance and admit being wrong. As of today I expect the top to be very near.