Seems things are changing overnight.."ARC", looks like the dollar is in action....UUP is next up to bat...she has broken the 20 day mov ave this is a good sign 50day is hanging at $24.09 my 5yr macd is saying up up and away at least for now...China is taking a beating I think that is FXP( proshares ultrashort..) I am already in that one..just put my little toe in a few weeks actually just back to where I got in at...I have a possible $10-13 range ...Guys what do you think? R, STP could be ready to break out to the upside, I told you awhile ago I am a lousy long trader..short and sweet so did you hit the trigger on that one? FSLR is also looking good to the upside, sorry R if you got out..but hey you did good if you did, but if you didn't your really gonna do good...LOL! Oh been looking at the Nikkei...I think she's about to dump into a 3rd wave one at a time...remember how 07" started...right after the Olympics...China dumped first.. then the chain reaction started...could this be the start? well, its tuff going long right now Guys, I just can't put my foot into the long side right now...don't ask me why, my gut, shit seems to be starting to hit the fan, but they are trying to hold the ship together right now..they want the exec's to get their pay...My problem is we seem to be in the Triangle from Hell, and I thought I had the right count but this could be a larger triangle than I thought, and if that is the case, then this could be the "E" wave Now, because we never broke out to the downside in this triangle we just bounced almost perfectly and went back, it leads me to believe two scenerios, 1) still wave E to finish and the triangle is larger than I thought,,, and we will then go up till march/april.....Oh and wave E could drop to 1050-75 area... 2) we have topped and just lolly gagging around in a topping process that could take months too...Flat Rectangle...Diamond shape really...hummmm I am looking at charts as I am you could get mixed messages...LOL! Jobs claims come out again today...what a joke that could be...
I have to say this to all of you, I know that at times I sound a little, well, nuts, but it is of the ut-most importance that you have cash, silver, or gold, water, dry foods, gas, canned foods, ready in case the banks take a dump....rotate the food, the number one terrorist attack that this country and the world would be shut down is taking down the internet....if that happened banks, shopping would could not buy food or get cash....anyhow, I know I am not the only one who thinks this way...just a reminder.....its like the show on the weather channel.... It could happen tomorrow! LOL! it would not be funny would it...I gotta get some rest...have a great day trading everyone...>L
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
Oh and Andy had the dollar going up with bonds 3 days ago...That Andy Rocks doesn't he...just wish you where feeling better we miss ya, Holidays coming.. maybe he'll get back in the groove after the first of the year! We all need some time off every now and then...>L
ReplyDeleteOh ya if we break 1029 on s/p thats the ticket down...>L