I came home today to find honesty still in the Market! I luv"d the reports this morning, but it just did not drop like I think it should have...the game is on....RK, are you trading futures? let me know...I have other things to send to you if you are? Everyone, I do apologize for my lack of enthusiasm with this market lately, it has just been lousy timing for me at work to get bumped off my job and take this later run, it is winter, and its been a very exhausting one with one winter storm after another, and again tonight I am heading into another one....YIPPY!.... My goal is to retire and live on the perfect Island that has great weather everyday...Oh and "R", I really do not want to know how Sunny south Ca. is right now...I am still jealous, but to tell you all the truth... I want to live near Libby Montana...not too close but somewhere out there, Libby was the asbestos capital of the world, and still needs serious clean-up. It is so Beautiful out there, the hiking is to die for if any of you do that In our spare time... what is that? OK back to the markets...
Now, RK, brought up one of my favorite chartists in his commentary today..and where is everyone else out there? C, R, A, should I put a P by that Hee Hee...did you all desert me! I wouldn't do that, I bull shit alot but I find good things out in cyber world.Heck you'd all miss my bullshitting anyway.
Go check out Pugg, Now he has alot of my thoughts on charts...and tonight he is at his best, he has already updated...and so we still could be in that larger 4th wave, and futures are showing a positive opening for the morning already..but we did break 1098...and that was a heavy resistance line this morning...I was happy to see that when I got up...I have to borrow his chart: above I hope he does not mind...anywho.. check out his MacD. Now I use a 3yr, daily chart alot and my chart is almost as perfect as his...the resistance is on...its breaking the support line that I have drawn on my charts that is holding this baby up if you already have it drawn it would be from the bottom of Sept 3 09 touching again at Nov 2 09 drawn all the way thru your chart and wallla... todays support at 1090ish area... isn't that cool... I love support and resistance! Ask your wives Bra's work the same way! did ya laugh..LOL~! Ok, get your minds focused again...Now on a 120dy chart we broke the 200dy mv ave. and that was a negative resistance anyway, if you see it held the market top as of now yesterday 2/22 and that was important now 50day comes into play sitting stil on 120 dy chart its at 1084 we need that one broke... if you know what I mean...guys and gals I gotta run...enjoy Pugg's update If you are a member of Stockcharts.com they had a great video this morning on their update, a birdy sent it to me... Prechter has his new Theorist out...very intersting... again EWT has said we topped...Oh, I did manage a great trade today "R", got in TZA at $9.10 and got out at $9.42...it was a nice move short sweet...I am looking for a small correction in the morning..to get back in again... timing is everything these days... Survival of the trendlines...later all>L
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
I am still in equities and ETF's. Trying to be on the right side. By the way i am in Orlando,fl.
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