As I was sleeping like a real bear yesterday, I almost overslept for work...LOL! Now, would that have been a good kick in the pants if I had done that... We have a firing policy on...anyone is eligible...I love my Job! I made it on-time..only to find out that my butt had been bumped from my job, now that hurts when you have enough seniority to work days, and you get bumped off your night job that I have had for 3yrs., does that tell anyone out there something? So, there are alot of under-seniority people under me, lets just call us all Ratts..OK, and all the ratts are not happy right now, as a matter of fact most are panicking they rely on overtime to make their car payment's and just to feed the guppies, but there is hardly any O/T left all of the good jobs are gone and not coming back, 8hours a day is back in the budget, as other drivers are bumping them off the jobs they held, its the domino effect at its best, and it can get really messy, people get angry, and say things that are not nice.. So, right now, I will really be honest with all of you and tell you that companies will do anything to get people stirred up so that they say and do things that could potentially get you fired, insubordination, vulgar language, they call it work place violence! We have alot of that right now...LOL! I work the dead mans shift so that I can trade a few hours a day, and keep up with the laundry around here...actually I call it peace and quiet. The guppies just want a roof and food, they could care less, its all about them....I was like that once, and yes now it is about them...The snow is coming again.. they say 6-10 inches possible, I love snow...hope it just turns into a blizzard..yummy I will go sledding, nothing like a set of doubles sliding down the open highway...LOL! People panick when we get close to them,, No, No, not the dreaded Pretzel makers...yes thats what we call a set of Doubles or PiggyBacks when they wreck... a Pretzel. you honestly do not want to get tangled up with these things, its like the train effect...they take out anything in there path....they are over 70ft. long... So, the next time you are about to pass an 18 wheeler, just remember a few tidbits I am about to share with you.... always approach with caution..there are many blind spots especially when you get close to the cab of the truck, very difficult for the driver to see the car at that point... Do Not flash any lights at the driver...this is a no no...we flash each other to come over to pass or to let someone on an on ramp, and it confuses the Semi driver when a car does this...not a good idea... The most important thing is that when you reach the decision point- better known as the middle of the truck and the truck's front Tires! You will always know what the driver is doing by watching the this point you have "3" yes "3" seconds to make your decision to either pass, or to brake and get behind the Unit...this is the most important tip that I can give to anyone who travels alot....OK, if you have any more questions just let me know...and "No" I can't take you on a ride! LOL....Back to the Markets....
We are at a crucial juncture Now...the market needs to make a major decision..UP or Down....Currently as I am typing Futures are down and the trend's seem to be that we Tank on Thurs and Fri's right now... Mon's are UP days...its been that way for sometime now..I wish I knew how many weeks it has been doing that...??? sorry...but we have lost alot of steam on this Rally, and as I had stated the other day, I think I posted 980 but that could be revised to 1030, for the Bulls to come back we need to break my opinion...Next Toyota...just remember to buy the stock on the next up will come back...the timing for this to happen is just remarkable isn't it... OK, please refer to my previous post for most of what I just went over.... I'm half asleep... and half full of coffee.. Truck drivers! watch those wheels! will post later..have a safe day.... Oh looking to buy FXP.....and some more TZA... "C" are you out there? what do you have on your indicators..? R, I got your e/m still can't get the chart to work, so sorry. I will try again later...and just to let you all know looking at long term charts I do not think we are going to go much lower on this move if we do..but I do not think this will be wave 3 of 1 I think it will be wave you understand what I see...???? Bear mkts B waves go lower and look like a brake out then they fake out.. and go back up in a the bottom of in this case 1080-1070 area...???? this could be the scenerio that you where commenting on = R in previous post...up in march....??? let me know you two..later >L uuuuuuuggggggggg Jobless claims...futures are really south now....I love Rick Santelly....he just lets the wind out doesn't he....LOL!
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
Hey L, Sorry to hear that you were bumped off your job. And thanks for the tips about the Semi's .. I always give them a great deal of respect when driving as I know how tough it could get.
ReplyDeleteYou know L, we might be in 1 of 3 down. Too bad I am down to only 15% SHORT as of yesterday's close.. when I thought C up is coming soon and dumped some shorts. Anyway been sick as whole family was this week and my mind has not been clear.