Uggg, I got killed today, and so did the rest of us Bears...At least when I posted I had given this scenerio, and I am sad to say, I had to bail this morning, suffering my first major loss in several years. Don't worry I had a nice counter trade, but JRCC could not make up for the damage I caused myself on this round. I am reconfiguring my odds and count and at this point and time we either just finished minuette wave 1 or minor wave 1 down, of wave 3 and we are in minuette/minor 2 going down, either way we broke some seriour support the rest of the day down, and I am glad that I took my beating early this morning in trading instead of this afternoon. I have often said that when all the Bears think they know everything Goldman Sac's comes knocking on our Den door...but my loss is my fault and I am sorry if any of you took one beside me. The weather has taken a toll on my blogging these past few weeks. I am looking for two scenerios to occurr right now:
1) My favorite scenerio is that we are just in a 2nd wave correction and could start a major 3rd wave up really at any time, but I have Thurs afternoon as a start time right now...we continue up for a total of 5 days...ends Thurs.
2) Pugg, ugg he has been right so many times lately, and I saw the possibility of a 4th wave, but I do not agree on the 4th wave scenerio, even though he has been a bull, and right! Remember that, he's been right...but I think we are in a LARGER degree 2, and that would fit into the odds of my first scenerio, so with the breaking of 1085 as support, we could head back over to the area of 1105, and that will probably only end wave 3 of C, but with todays action, the bulls got back their support in Volume, GE traded 2X its normal volume...and that is Lets go back in time to "R"s call....a top in March, and it could happen, and the odds went in the Bulls favor today...61.8% lands at or around 1110, but the gap down is almost perfect 78% retrace at 1125-30 area...and ever since I have been trading, I have not ever scene a larger degree 2nd wave not retrace at least 61% and for some reason they usually always land in their major thats not good for bears right now....
So thats it for tonight...check out PUGG's site to the right, see what you think. I will go check out what EWT has for tonight, and let you know that in a few min's. but I would continue to say they will have a 3rd wave is starting NOW...LOL! sometimes EWT kills me Hotchberg and I do not see things the same way, I myself am just a Prechter fan....gotta get dinner fixed...will update in the comments..later >L
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
OK, had time to go over PUGG, he has outdone his self this evening..very good analysis day when I get time...LOL! check it out, better than mine I think,,,nice charts..jealous...OK, EWT, they suck, yes we where wrong..and looking for exactly as i 4th of lesser degree 1105 area, then gap at the 78% I said...what's knew Hotchberg...he bores me... I think I wasted good $ again...but I will stick it out for a few more months..just for my mentor Prechter...OK have a good night...go see PUgg later >L