Springhill, and Pug both are pretty much on the $$$$ with what is happening at this point and time. The only thing really holding this mkt up in my opinion is Ben and Co. I do realize that companies are giving good, well, lets refraze that better than expected earnings. My Co. would probably have better earnings too if I was able to rehire my employee's that I laid off for half price. I was watching a video of one of the big Bank CFO's, and he was laughing how they hired some of the "Unfortunate Lehman Bro's employee's for over half off", I was just laughing too... wonder when they fire him..LOL! Wonder what his new salary will be! As my previous post said this is a game of bouncing balls.. where can we cut next to save $$. Believe me there are alot of great people out there with alot of experience dying for a job right now.. they have lost everything and this is what our gov't and big business wanted... the only problem is... when will it stop? My personal opinion is not for a long long time... bouncing balls sometimes begin to pick up speed.. take a moment and reflect on how your life has changed in the past several yr's????? Do you feel rushed, a little overwelmed wondering if you have a job day to day.. if you have one? Do this,. Do that... rush rush,,,,, I try to do just the opposite.. but I have always been a busy beaver... I luv pressure, I work better under it. I suggest you just click on both Channels, and Pug to the right, study what both men have to say. I do believe that both are right, at this time I have 1219.23 as my target ... but we need a correction that I thought was coming this morning... butttttt alas... the ball is bouncing... be careful.. even though I am promoting some stocks... take your profits wisely right now... it maybe time to slowly start buying into some QID, it is looking cheeeeeap... but $VIX is toooo... but again RR has buy signals rolling.. and I see ending diagonal correction and then higher... so 3 of 3 of wave C is coming to a close... with the ending diag in wave 5 of 3... then correction in larger 4th, and then final 5th wave of Wave C... of ???? A or really the end of Wave B... that is the real question....be back in a wk..>L
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