Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to chat with the people of the Appalachian Mountain regions from Ohio, eastern Ky, W.V. and N.C, . It was sad at times, many I have know for years and I look forward to our small but intimate chat every-yr. You know the usual, how are you? what is happening in your world kind of chat. From job loss's to illness's to, "You know so and so past on he was killed or died from this or that". Every year it seems to get harder for me, I am getting older too, but the old timer's are slowly wittling away, and with them goes knowledge of hunting, fishing, farming, gardening, bee keeping, hat making, broom making, forging steel, coal mining, Mt. herbal remedies, and most of all MOONSHINE! You ever had it? You would think someone just put a bullet in your gut! but its pure alcohol, clean, you could run your car for a yr on one tank of it thats how potent the stuff is, one of my buddies wives handed me a flask that had been made for me before he was laid to rest. My name written on the bottle, "Glovelady", I laughed, then cried. He always told me he would teach me his secret. Another Mt. secret laid to rest. "Willy", was his name, he never worked for anyone, just sold moonshine, genseng, and herbs to people he could trust. We, traded goods, I get some shine for a doz. of gloves. That was always our deal. So, I gave her a doz. gloves for her son, hoping the tradition continues, since thats all he does too for a living. Life goes on......
So, does the Stock mkt, and what a tradition it is in families far and wide, before I left I had left a message to watch the Almight "$$$DOLLAR", as it holds the key to when this rally could end, or will it?
OK, where are we, I have two scenerios tonight... Rk posted a nice topping scenerio from Cobra's Blog, and that is scenerio #1 and it could trade out that way... I like it butt... we seem to be in a weird movie, like Friday the 13th.. Up and down, murdering the Puts, and murdering the calls.. funny I call it legitimate stealing,.. but it feels like 2007 all over again... Have I mentioned that before? Ending Diagonal Triangle's can occurr in "C", waves or 5th waves... and they don't stop till they feel like it most of the time... go ask the boys over at EWT... they lost alot of followers and are probably losing more right now... as some of you know they keep saying.. any day now we are going to top... lovely words if you have any meat left on your bones after Freddy Kruger gets thru with you!!!!!!!!!!!.... LOL! So thats it.. and like I had said before I left, this could take a few mo's to trade out.... Time and Price.. well Oct 2010 makes 17 mo's from March 09.... so give or take a few days or a month... sometimes things need to just Un-Wind.. like a Yo-Yo... I have a major turn date set for NOV>15-18th... Rr, thanks for keeping the blog rolling and you too Rk. I will post again sometime over the wkend.. I need some serious sleep... and a shot of that moonshine...>L
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
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