Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Down Move

Seems like we need to re-evaluate the situation.. could we start a major move to the upside?    Thoughts?  reminds me of this great video

Monday, October 25, 2010

Again, up we go...

Could we go higher? Looks like it too me.. first stop on my charts 1212.21  we are still in a nice trading channel..and still looks like we are in the ending diagonal triangle and my channel for that triangle ends at 1212... area... so I feel until we reach that area.. we are not going down... >L

Last 5%

Futures are up big in S&P, at 2a.m.est. time... so there we have the ending diagonal triangle is finishing.. looks like it could go another 5%  maybe a tid-bit less.. but off to 1250 possibly we go... 1241 looks good too... OK thats it.. have a good day... >L

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good to be Back~~Well Maybe?

Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to chat with the people of the Appalachian Mountain regions from Ohio, eastern Ky, W.V. and N.C, . It was sad at times, many I have know for years and I look forward to our small but intimate chat every-yr. You know the usual, how are you? what is happening in your world kind of chat.  From job loss's to illness's to, "You know so and so past on he was killed or died from this or that".  Every year it seems to get harder for me, I am getting older too, but the old timer's are slowly wittling away, and with them goes knowledge of hunting, fishing, farming, gardening, bee keeping, hat making, broom making, forging steel, coal mining, Mt. herbal remedies, and most of all MOONSHINE!  You ever had it?  You would think someone just put a bullet in your gut!  but its pure alcohol, clean, you could run your car for a yr on one tank of it thats how potent the stuff is, one of my buddies wives handed me a flask that had been made for me before he was laid to rest.  My name written on the bottle, "Glovelady",  I laughed, then cried. He always told me he would teach me his secret. Another Mt. secret laid to rest. "Willy", was his name, he never worked for anyone, just sold moonshine, genseng, and herbs to people he could trust.  We, traded goods, I get some shine for a doz. of gloves. That was always our deal. So, I gave her a doz. gloves for her son, hoping the tradition continues, since thats all he does too for a living.  Life goes on......

So, does the Stock mkt, and what a tradition it is in families far and wide, before I left I had left a message to watch the Almight "$$$DOLLAR", as it holds the key to when this rally could end, or will it?

OK, where are we, I have two scenerios tonight...   Rk posted a nice topping scenerio from Cobra's Blog, and that is scenerio #1  and it could trade out that way...  I like it butt... we seem to be in a weird movie, like Friday the 13th.. Up and down, murdering the Puts, and murdering the calls.. funny I call it legitimate stealing,..  but it feels like 2007 all over again... Have I mentioned that before?     Ending Diagonal Triangle's can occurr in "C", waves or 5th waves... and they don't stop till they feel like it most of the time... go ask the boys over at EWT... they lost alot of followers and are probably losing more right now...  as some of you know they keep saying.. any day now we are going to top... lovely words if you have any meat left on your bones after Freddy Kruger gets thru with you!!!!!!!!!!!.... LOL!    So thats it.. and like I had said before I left, this could take a few mo's to trade out.... Time and Price.. well Oct 2010 makes 17 mo's from March 09....  so give or take a few days or a month... sometimes things need to just Un-Wind.. like a Yo-Yo...  I have a major turn date set for NOV>15-18th... Rr, thanks for keeping the blog rolling and you too Rk.  I will post again sometime over the wkend.. I need some serious sleep... and a shot of that moonshine...>L

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Classic topping process?$NAAD&p=D&yr=0&mn=9&dy=0&id=p63142002421$NAUD&p=D&yr=0&mn=9&dy=0&id=p59912253828

These charts shows the NASDAQ going back to a recent previous high while the Advance/Decline issues and volume barely making it back half of the way.

From what I read, this used to be a symptom that showed up in a classic topping process, but with FED waves coming into play I am not so sure this time will not be different.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SpringHill Jack and PUG

Springhill, and Pug both are pretty much on the $$$$ with what is happening at this point and time.  The only thing really holding this mkt up in my opinion is Ben and Co.  I do realize that companies are giving good, well, lets refraze that better than expected earnings.  My Co. would probably have better earnings too if I was able to rehire my employee's that I laid off for half price. I was watching a video of one of the big Bank CFO's, and he was laughing how they hired some of the "Unfortunate Lehman Bro's employee's for over half off",  I was just laughing too... wonder when they fire him..LOL!  Wonder what his new salary will be!  As my previous post said this is a game of bouncing balls.. where can we cut next to save $$.  Believe me there are alot of great people out there with alot of experience dying for a job right now.. they have lost everything and this is what our gov't and big business wanted... the only problem is... when will it stop?   My personal opinion is not for a long long time... bouncing balls sometimes begin to pick up speed.. take a moment and reflect on how your life has changed in the past several yr's?????  Do you feel rushed, a little overwelmed wondering if you have a job day to day.. if you have one?  Do this,. Do that... rush rush,,,,, I try to do just the opposite.. but I have always been a busy beaver... I luv pressure, I work better under it.  I suggest you just click on both Channels, and Pug to the right, study what both men have to say.  I do believe that both are right, at this time I have 1219.23 as my target ... but we need a correction that I thought was coming this morning... butttttt alas... the ball is bouncing... be careful.. even though I am promoting some stocks... take your profits wisely right now... it maybe time to slowly start buying into some QID, it is looking cheeeeeap... but $VIX is toooo... but again RR has buy signals rolling.. and I see ending diagonal  correction and then higher... so 3 of 3 of wave C is coming to a close... with the ending diag in wave 5 of 3... then correction in larger 4th, and then final 5th wave of Wave C... of ????  A or really the end of Wave B... that is the real back in a wk..>L

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Follow Thru~~~~~

Venus Williams has hurt her knee, and sister Serena is about to come back from a foot injury... but has no Ranking on her return.... Seems the Mkt is feeling the same way?

Nasdaq is lagging, $SPX is hanging in there... will there be follow thru?   1174 seems to be the key.. do or die for the Bears...  The Bulls will have to come up with more follow thru to get there, if they do RR,Rk.. the market has turned to the Bulls... there's alot of pressure building up especially when Jobs and the almighty Dollar are not looking so good...its like Tennis, can an injury put you mentally and physically out of the Rankings, will the Bulls feel the pressure from higher prices like gas, food, just importing all together?  Or will they just stampede?  We really will not know till Morning... this is probably one of the most important Jobs reports we have ever had to divide the Bulls and Bears, Fibonacci levels have been hit, and if they do not hold...  1174... the bears will Hybernate early this year...  but come out early next spring very hungry... but this market will bounce like tennis balls till then...the dollar is that ball... bounceing trying to stay in play.... so watch the ball carefully while I am gone... it is the key to the mkt, and the next great crash.... Have a good wkend.>L

Friday, October 1, 2010

Are you ready

My $CPCE indicator is smelling something in the air. The $VIX is agreeing to the stink. The major trendline from 2007 top to the 2010 top is approaching. Mclaren's turn date is October 1st (unless he changed it- I do not subscribe to him).

My market model is in buy, but I can see it ready to turn any day over next week. Be ready, set, ...