OK Guys and Gals, Yesterday, I was flying off the handle because I was trying to update before I took off for work, and when I got in this morning I had a few min's to really ponder this thing, I already had noticed the expanding triangle, so that got me thinking, so off to PUG's I went, because lately he is my favorite chartist.... and if any of you beat me to his update yesterday he already had the expanding triangle theory... I have to give it to the Boilermaker he is good... OK, he is great! I am actually jealous that he has the time to do such nice charts... So, I just pulled up the EWT boys, and a day late and now a dollar shorter they have the Expanding Triangle... so Here is Pugs chart ...so nicely done... OK, that was his 15min from yesterday, and if I had scene that before I went to work, I would have posted so that "R", could have jumped out with only a 2% loss I hope.we did go down to 1181 today for a new low to end the 5 waves down in that move from yesterday..... don't be like me right now..OK, only my ABK trade has saved me ass OK, so, this pup goes higher... but we have to look at the possiblity of what I had said last night.. that this expanding tri, could have started around april 5th.. Now back to the EWT boys... they finally came up with this Idea..(light bulbs need to flash around Hotchberg before he sees anything these days) he is calling the move yesterday as a "C" wave of the ex. tri. so what was todays move the beginning of "D"? well there was not a whole lot to the move today, but afterhours is just cooking... and that worries me.. so today had to be a 1 up and possiblity of a 2 finishing of wave D, so in the morning we should start a 3rd wave up in wave D... or is it the 2nd wave up of a topping process.. keep that in the back of your mind, and notice where we stopped in S/P today... right around where I had resisistance at 1192 area.. we broke it a bit though high was 1195... so either or, Wave 2 or Wave 5.. oh ya we still need to do wave "E" if it is a triangle... and that one will scare some and I like that thought... so gotta go.... R.K. man sorry you got caught in the Ash... I know several people who just got home Yesterday from all of that... they called and said they will not be able to afford a vacation again for 2 years because it cost them so much... that just sucks, let alone one of them got fired from their job...ugly.... gottts to run...>L
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