OK, as most of you know I have a side business and well, when its nice out I have to be out on the road. So, I am sorry about not posting, but really not much has changed.. Yes the market keeps going up, and it should since we broke some important Fib levels, so what is keeping it on the rise? Tax returns and the stimulus plan... now if Helicopter Ben will just stop printing money we can save the Greenback... but will he stop? These questions are just a few that Ihave going thru my mind. If Ben keeps printing he will kill the Greenback, and that means inflation will hit, and taxes are going up it seems everyday. Jobs, well, lets really look at those for a moment. Yes, there are jobs, butttt they are paying only half what they used to pay, and of course there are 300 plus people for every job it seems that pays worth a penny. So, most of the jobs report in my opinion is bogus, and many important people feel the same way. So, lets look at all our options as investor's and as traders.
They are going to tax the living to death, and traders are going to be taxed even more for their good fortunes if you are having good fortune I should say. I look at our capitalistic system as the biggest PYRAMID scheme , Gov't/Big Busness Vs the people... at the top we have Gov't next level Big Business, Next professionals such as lawyers, and doctors, then the Independent Self employeed, and then majority of people are the Employeed... we rely on the Govt, big business to get that slice of pie from them... but Taxes go just the opposite on the scale... the Employee's pay almost 50% of their wages to taxes on large to small gov. How can they ever get ahead... even the 401K was designed to be taxed to death...when you finally use it.. Now some of you may not agree with me.. thats fine go research it and you will see for yourself. I could go on for days about the Pyramid that only creates slaves to its system. I can only go with this scenerio.. if the Greenback starts to fall...like it is suddenly doing.. then Gold and Silver is going to go up... so my next trade I see forming is in those two trades... SLV is looking like it has broken out of its triangle, today it looks like it could rest and take a step or two back but its only picking up momentum, so that brings on a short trade to the dollar... so your choice GLD SLV and I don't know the short for dollar... so that is my view for now.. have a great day...>L
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
1 more little push up is all I see left. semi-Bear should be back till late summer early fall