Granted.. there are times we all want to go live in a hole, but these little houses are better that that. Can you get over the detail that this man has done in these little spaces... Now Bigger is better right, not right now. Check them out. Its like saying.. we are going to cut your house into 4 sections... you better know what you want to wear, what little food you can store, who you want to invite over, only 1 person at a time OK,,, it would be great if you where single wouldn't it, or even if you are married, you could still save thousands and still have your home away from home!..LOL! I love it! the idea is just a step ahead of everyone, but backwards isn't it? Little house on the Praire style. How did they do it, they just simply had no choice did they. Life was hard in the 1800's all the way till really the 60's. Technology has driven the work place from Industrial to Tech city!.. every gadget under the sun..cell phones, talking cars, talking houses, credit cards, convenience after convenience.. hummmm what would you do if the power went out! No fast food, no grocery computer's.. Just wanted you to start thinking a head.. Today was a wash out too.. rained my event out.. sales where just horrible and the economy is really starting to effect my small business's big time. I am about to go out of business at this rate so I know how it feels to a point what the small bus. owner who lives off of his hard work is going thru, he's about belly up unless he saved for these rainy days that still lie ahead.... 4 more Banks went under on Fri. Banks are raising rates again to cover their ass's! this time its not only card rates its your savings accounts and checking acc'ts.. get ready. That little piece of Plastic is about to make your bank Billions.. and they are laughing at you.. so back to the basics we go.. you will have to carry cash, because everytime you use that plastic convience card they are going to charge you oh..5cents.. maybe more or less.. who cares most people use it twice three times a day X 's that by millions or billions of people and you have millions to billions of $$$ every day.. anytime bank rates are going up too.. so don't leave home with out cash.. the days of free checking and checkcard services are gone... American Express is Hot again!!! reminds me of the 70's..LOL! I just saw Hawaii Five O... WHAT! they are going to destroy my childhood aren't they I loved that show.. but everyone is home right now whatching the grove tube again.. they can't afford to go out hardly.. a movie is $10.00 per person.. for a family of 4 that is $40, popcorn $6.50, soda's $12 commmmme on.. who's making $$ Netflix... and I just read an interesting article in Bloomberg Business.. Now mind you it is a few weeks Old.. I do not subscibe to Magazines.. I go to the Half price book store and buy them for 50cents a few weeks old.. Sony has put the ability to buy movies out of your XBox 360 Now won't that be something...I see Sony and Google putting a hurting on Mr. Netflix in time for Winter...So, if you know someone that owns the NetFlix they might want to get out on the next ride higher.. well I am not sure when that will be..but.. get ready to pay for about everything you want to watch... is the way I am interpreting the future of the web and tv.. between the makers and the bakers Public TV might be the only thing left...Comcast TimeWarner all of them are hurting.. If you loose your Job, whats the first thing you get rid of? thats right.. Cable, Internet... you buy a laptop or an Iphone.. or you go borrow a friends... thats what I would do.. but Starbucks might be five bucks to me.. but free wi-fi in your car is nice when I am on trips..LOL! I still make my own coffee...I buy starbucks out of the grocery store.. yes I am as addicted to it as the next coffee nut.. shoot me.. I like good coffee.. personally I like expensive organic coffee's but its out of my budget right now... I hope they are still in business when the ball finishes its drop.. but then again maybe I can buy them out... just a thought.. I love Blue water.. never been to Hawaii.. heard its really nice.. but then again I like where I live, so why change? Thats for another day.....will update in less than 6 hrs... just had to get that shit off my..head..>L
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