Have you ever wondered who came up with things like Shamrocks, and Lepricahns with pots of Gold at the end of the Rainbow??? Everybody loves spring, especially if you live in the Mid-West, the thought of 60 degree days and sunshine...ohhh the Sun is finally blessing us with radiation that we just can't wait to absorb into our skin. Funny, the ave. person lives only 25,000 days or roughly 68-70 springs... Now think about that, doesn't that make you to re-think your position as a mammal on this earth. I usually start off most of my kids lessons with this scenerio.. it makes them think. I explain how our species have survived and how lucky you are to be alive that long, and they always respond with "Well, my grandma lived to be 93, my mom says I will live that long too!" Yes you will I say back, but in my mind I just giggle, that someday, when they really realize that life takes turns and curves and changes with just simple judgements and decisions that you do not think will effect the rest of your life, but they do. So, that is why I try to help youngsters understand the importance of investing so that they have enough to live on when they turn 93! If any of you have children, go to Minyanville, and there are several other sites for kids but I like that one the most, it is very good. Sit and listen to them, and of course make them earn their allowances, but make them invest a portion everyweek, go to the bank with them, its important even if its a quarter that is going in. They are proud to give their $$ to the teller...look what I did this week!
Now, back to our markets.... RK, thanks for the site.. very interesting... I like data. I will use this one, Thank you again. What kind of mess are we in, I was thinking to myself this morning, and if you look at it finally we are in the "B", wave.. the up and down like the stairs that we climb... so, where does it end... I have fond memeories of the 2003-2007 bear market rally... and this move looks alot like that monster... but, there are so many things that are different than back then....People still had jobs, and houses, and cars to get to work, they still had $$. Now, the other difference is the Cycle degree, chart pictures never go where I need them to go, so the above chart is a chart that I have had as a scenerio for many years...square box 5 is the top of 07, or is it? I think it is, but it depends on where the expanding triangle started... did it start in 1999, or 2000? that is the Question that has haunted me for years... so keep that in your mind for a minute and then look at Kenny's other chart...I have...(why i use everyone else's charts is the amount of time it would take me to do these charts I would never get a post up to any of you..LOL!) his lines are nicely draw for this expanding triangle, if that is what it is, but I like his way of thinking... so lets keep the flow going...the only thing that I do not like is his idea that we are in a lesser degree C of wave 5 to end wave C...I think we are in a B wave right now with a correction coming...then we do a lesser c wave down then we go back up again... this time to his top.. we could run this till next week around the 16th to the 18th for the top of either a new high, at his 1158 area or we just finish a 100% retrace of an A,B,C Wave 2.... that one.. is not my top pick... I like the first one best. Then we fall, do a wave 1 down to around 1000 back up for a 2 and then down with 3... so on... I am looking for Wave 1 of 3 to end around 870/840 area... rough estimate .... Now remember, we could only be finishing wave A of Wave B, time wise it took 17months to fall to march lows of 08, and usually we take just about the same amount of time... OK, I have to run, think about this let me know your thought...later >L
March 7th, 2025: SP-500 Chart Update
1 day ago
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