Monday, January 24, 2011

Sell Signals

Mc, is calling a sell on NDX, and Transportation sector... Dow has not confirmed yet.. but $RUT has confirmed sell... callling a rising bearish wedge on this wave C of (B)... so short at your own risk.. we could be topping.. and if that is the case.. its been happening over the past month IMO.  and if we are topping, then we could bounce up and down for sev mo's like I had mentioned before.. It could get interesting.. but, its all about the stimulus if you ask me.. and unemployment when it runs out.. will they extend it again???? most of those people who have been on Unemployment for this long will never get a job again... because they have not worked for so long.... OK have a great wk.. will update in the comments hopefully there will not be any major snow storms this wk.. really sorry..have not updated in sev wks.. >L

Monday, January 10, 2011

Holding on~~~~

Ok, I said I would have an update tonight...LOL!  All I can think about is the snow storm that I will be entering this morning.  The U.S. is currently 70% covered in snow... how do you like that.  So, the cycle of the weather is spot on..but the cycle for this move is going to bounce for several more months to come.  I was reading an old traders site this morning and he seems to believe it is not a bad idea to take any profits and just go on vacation for awhile....... I say he might be right, and I figure his analysis is 75% right in the past yr.  I already took any profits that I had.. and that is not alot. I am stills sitting in Nat.Gas , I still feel that in time it too will begin a rally to its already huge correction, but again it could still fall further after that is done, so the summer mo's do not look good for Nat.Gas..  Coal on the other hand well, it could just go higher from here... it is the other side of Electricity and with the storms that we have had lately the south is turning up the heat, I have gotten in and out of JRCC several times, but as with the S&P it still could go higher.. but I will not be in it ... we could be topping... but did we just finish a Minor wave B up is the question.. if so, then we will only fall for several weeks off and on.. so this is just a corre cti ve wave 4 at best... but if we are topping this could go on for several months... or my calcul.. till March-april... then we could have a nice serious correction... for the start of one of those scenerios that I sent to both of you.  OK, I know that was really vague... sorry..   I do like NFLX though.. earnings are comeing up soon...later>L

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

OH What an interesting Morning already!                                                                                                                 

Ok... we have to go higher.. and according to that GS report.. we go alot higher.. so does my Expanding triangle theory stand a chance.. Oh yes it does... but   check this out ... it was posted over at Hot option Babes site...                  Charles Biderman just tells it like it really is... so is the market rigged... if it is then oil  is going 10X higher... could it go past the previous high... wow... I have alot of homework.. this could get interesting... gotta run.. have a good day.>L