Lets get this Party Started :) Rose Bowl is done, we are victorious! Big Ten Champs and headlines probably will start off with, "What's 2010 have in store for the Buckeye's", Honestly, with the Bucketts as we sometime's call them you just never know who might end up in Jail??? Hee Hee....But I think Tressell has a better grip on these young men than with the group he had in 2002.
OK, I know that at times guys and gals, I can carry on a hefty conversation all by myself here, and I want you all to know that I am going to try to Pipe it down a bit. My political and economic side will try to take a rest. I have no idea how many people stop by to read it anyway..so thats that!
My New Years resolution is to be nicer to people and to myself..at times I am hard on my family and friends, like I just said..I will try to take a rest on everyone..that includes you lucky readers...
So, if you have not read Planet Yelnick
http://yelnick.typepad.com/yelnick/ Check out the chart he uses at the bottom! WHO had that chart first!!!! Yes! ol Lib did...OK, not to brag or anything but come on....OK, I rest my case!
I have several reservations on the next moves in this Market, one of them is resting over at a fellow Big Ten fan's site called Pugridiron's stock analysis..
http://pugridironsma.blogspot.com/2009/12/dec-31st-2009-happy-new-year.html#disqus_thread Ok, check it out cause PUG is good, I have followed his site for awhile now...His comments section looks alot like mine at times too..."0"...but he at least knows when people are visiting...I gotta figure that out...LOL!
Yelnick has a chart up from Elliot Wave again...so it looks like the boys are still calling this thing done, finished and if there is any Upside left it has very little. The Bull to Bear ratio is higher than it was for the top of 07", so the upside is swinging....and it of course could gather some momentum, back and forth, so I had to visit my astrology site, you know I like the Moon stuff so(hit the short term update)
http://astrocycle.net/Breadth.php. As you can see on Astrocycles chart, we have a little downside left to the channel, and he has Jan.6th, not sure why? but its the quarter moon, we just had a full moon on Dec.31
http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/MoonPhase.php and that could have been the High of the whole move up! So, if there is anything left of this move it should become interesting..."R" your turn date is Jan 11th, I had a broad range turn bewt..dec 28th- Jan.5 th area...so we are not that far apart. The problem is if we continue up, we are probably looking at close to another 30 days give or take a few New moon Feb 14, Full on Feb 28, ..
then it brings me back to the Chart.....

down a bit and then
and then back up twist and down we go.... Supports could get tight...but I so far the channel has held..it must break the channel by at least 15 points for me to really dive into the downside. Check out the latest article I found on The Market Oracle
http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article16170.html I realize most of his charts are days off, but his indicators are all in the same camp as most of us are, the Down Side slide is nearing.
Now, check out TBT, the call is on, and the call is on the $$$$...they both look very tasty....let me know what you all think....OK C, and R, I think they have potential....I gave up on Coal, it looks dead to me right now... " A", seems to not be around much, not sure what is up with him.???? Miss his views and I know you all do too. ....hope all is well in his camp...OK lets make 2010 our Year to Shine.....later L>